

We Partner and Learn With You


In our first seven years, TerraLuna had the privilege of serving a wide array of clients working to address obstacles to equity and justice in education, juvenile justice, agriculture, child welfare, philanthropy, healthcare, and more. 

Across our work, we’ve partnered with clients to evaluate their programs, strengthen their organizations, and support system change efforts. When we stepped back, we asked ourselves, “what throughline can we connect across all of our work?” 

What stood out is that regardless of project scope, size, focus, or sector, TerraLuna shows up as a learning partner with its clients. 

What does TerraLuna mean when we refer to ourselves as a learning partner?  

As a partner, we work with our clients supporting them as they advance their mission. We do this by using evaluation, research, and facilitation to learn. We keep one foot inside and one foot outside of their work. 

When we construct learning from evaluation, research, and facilitation with our clients, we focus on:  

  • Shifting paradigms - supporting our clients with interpreting experience, process, and data analysis through new frames. 

  • Holding space for sense making - support our clients with making meaning out of experience, process, and data analysis  

  • Developing competencies and skills - support our clients with developing new skills, methods, and tactics. 

Because we keep one foot inside the work of our clients work, we can help them close learning loops, translating learning into next actions and new inquiries to help our clients fulfill their missions by improving, strengthening, and adapting their work. 

Brand UpdateKeith Miller