

In Service of Equity and Justice


Advancing people-centered learning to build a just and equitable world

The work we’ve done over the last seven years has helped us discover more clarity about our purpose.

When we initially dreamt up what TerraLuna could be, we knew what we would be would have to come from our members. 

As we have grown and evolved in our work we’ve committed to having our work contribute to something more, something worth working towards, a society that is just and equitable. 

We pursue this vision by forging our values and principles together. Our values create in us and our partners the conditions to safely unlearn and learn, to try and try again, to be whole. 

  • INTEGRITY: We choose equity and justice over convenience and practicality.

  • RESPONSIBILITY: We hold ourselves accountable for our work.

  • TRANSPARENCY: We are transparent with our words, actions, and intentions.

  • HUMILITY: We listen deeply, pursuing the answers to hard questions.

  • ACCESSIBILITY: We make participation easy and available for all. 

Our principles shape the methods we chose in our evaluation, research, and facilitation practice. We emphasize approaches that broaden what our partners consider as data, whose values matter, and how to use power. 

CO-CREATIVE: We design and conduct our services with you, ensuring it is useful and belongs to you. 

RESPONSIVE: We meet you where you are and adapt our services alongside your changing needs and contexts. 

PARTICIPATORY: We are inclusive, integrating multiple perspectives and voices into our services. 

TRANSFORMATIVE: We embrace multiple values, ways of creating knowledge, and understandings.

SYSTEMS ORIENTED: We explore how your work interacts with the systems you want to change and are influenced by.

RIGOROUS: We are thorough, embrace complexity, and fit methodology with purpose.

Forging our values and principles allow us to work with our partners to help them develop their work as part of a greater whole, advancing towards a just and equitable society. 

Brand UpdateJill Dabrowski